The Role of the Media

In Chapter 1, we saw that the elite actually exist, despite their purposely low profiles. In Chapter 2, we saw how the elite easily conscript politicians to carry out their wishes. In Chapter 3 so far, we have seen how the elite have conscripted the media buying it up, purging it of critics, consolidating ownership, and placing trusted pro-elite individuals in key positions. In reality, politicians work in close cooperation with the nation's top media managers to sell the elite's actions and policies to the public. Generally speaking, the two groups work together to carry out the following simple tasks.

To accomplish the above tasks, the media team uses every psychological trick they think they can get away with. And it is these tricks and techniques that we will now consider.

Using Recurring, Mind-programming Concepts

Of all the psychological techniques used, the most seductive but the least obvious, is that of giving repeated media exposure to concepts that subconsciously program the public to be pro-elite. The average American still clutches onto flawed concepts of America that are being relentlessly dished out by the media to leave the public in a state of mind that allows the elite to continue their exploitation of national and international resources unhindered.

The owners of the media have been working on conditioning our minds for quite some while, and I remember how slowly my own mind responded to the deep significance of the wealth distribution statistics. We are all handicapped by the fact that it is almost impossible to reverse years of brainwashing overnight.

Nevertheless, being aware of the techniques is the first step to being free of their effects. Some quite erroneous themes have been reinforced over and over, to the point that most Americans have been totally seduced by the underlying message.

Let's take a look at the first example.

1) Anyone Can Get Rich, or Become President

If asked why they thought America was a land of opportunity, many would reply that in America "anyone can be President, and anyone can work hard and get rich".

The fact that only one of the 250 million Americans can be president at any one time seems to get overlooked in the process. To say that "practically no one in America can be President" would in fact describe reality more accurately.

Let me ask the original question again. This time we will replace fantasy with reality.

Why do you think America is the land of opportunity?
Answer: Because only those candidates whom the elite wish to back with campaign financing and media support end up in the White House, and because the richest 1%, as well as the next richest 9%, both separately own more assets than the combined assets of the bottom 90%.

Hopefully, this example exposes once again the need to come to grips with reality and shake off some of the traditional but erroneous ways of thinking about America.

To help the bottom 90% accept their subsistence realities while waiting for the pie in the sky to materialize, the elite employ a couple of concepts to establish an air of normality to the existing wealth distribution inequities. The first concerns the unwarranted attention paid by the media to the British Royalty.

2) Royalty Kept in Spotlight (to Normalize Inequality)

Isn't it a bit peculiar for a nation which supposedly doesn't want a King or Queen, to have its newspapers and magazines print news articles every time Prince Charles sneezes or Princess "Di" buys a new dress? Of course it is, but the media has always given unwarranted coverage to the British Royalty, therefore doing so does not appear peculiar at all. However, by doing so, Americans are constantly reminded that some fellow human beings are "Royalty".
The constant attention given to Royalty by the American media is really only a clever mask to conceal a subtle conditioning:
to normalize the existence of class and economic distinctions and inequalities.

The term "Royalty" is loaded with connotations of superiority, both economic and social. The fact that in 1990 people would still curtsy and bow to fellow human beings who have successfully dragged Feudalism into the 21st century bears witness to the power of this technique. What a pompous affront to mankind, but a cunningly useful mind conditioning tactic that the economic elite gladly keep dangling regularly in our media. It is obvious that many, especially in Britain, have been successfully conditioned to accept the normality of a caste system based on inherited wealth and power. Force feeding the public (through books, newspapers, TV, and magazines) with a steady diet of news items related to "Royalty", ranks high on the elite's list of indispensable mind-conditioning tricks. To cement the "more equal than others" concept in the nation's psyche, another equally powerful and totally disarming theme has been etched into the nation's thinking.

3) Any Degree of Economic Inequality is Acceptable

Is there anything in our present system to prevent
the same degree of wealth distribution inequities that occurred under early Feudalism, from occurring again under Capitalism?
The answer is ...NO!!
As it stands today, we have been socially conditioned
to accept ANY degree of economic inequity as
an unquestionable condition of capitalism!

The preceding statements are extremely significant. Your freedoms depend on your ability to appreciate the folly of continuing to accept that condition.

The standard of health and education benefits available to an individual is increasingly determined by one's economic wealth. For an ever growing percentage of the nation, dental services, like legal services and many aspects of medical care, are ceasing to be luxury expenses. They are now downright unaffordable!

What loss of social services, or level of wealth distribution imbalance are you prepared to accept or overlook? At what point would you agree that something is definitely wrong with the system?
...when the richest 1% own more equity than 93% of us equals?
...or perhaps when they own more than the bottom 95% ?
Quite seriously, ...what percentage would it take? The elite are at 90% now, ...and still climbing.

4) Patriotism (i.e., Automatic Loyalty to the Status Quo)

Generally speaking, the elite's candidates avoid taking definitive stands on the vital issues of the day. Instead of actually committing the party to specific action, they prefer to employ a range of psychological tricks to deflect attention away from vital issues and onto selected red herring non-issues.

At every opportunity, they try to be photographed amid a sea of waving flags, while they spout hollow patriotic rhetoric which is preceded and followed by bands playing the national anthem. It would be an hilarious spectacle if the brainwashing did not have such serious consequences. In fact George Bush went so far as to stage one of his election rally "photo opportunities" in a flag factory (...of course it was televised!).{B157} By bonding himself with the theme of patriotism, and physically surrounding himself constantly with flags and items which conjure up ideas of loyalty to country, George Bush and countless others before him built a subconscious equation in the public's mind.

Reject George Bush, ...and you reject the flag, the nation, military servicemen, veterans in wheelchairs, policemen, and every other patriotic symbol that the media were called in to photograph him with.

Anyone who objected to George Bush's plan of making the recital of patriotic verse mandatory for school children was immediately tarred with the "unpatriotic" brush. The elite have always used patriotism as a vehicle to slyly demand automatic loyalty to the status quo.

This means automatic loyalty to an economic class system where the richest 1 percent own more than 90 percent of the country's working serfs, ...and where the majority (over 50 percent) of the population most likely own less than 5 percent of the national wealth. George Bush would also like you "to be forced" to swear allegiance to that system. It's not difficult to figure why; the rich folks definitely don't want Feudalism to stop. Don't you think you ought to salute the flag or recite the pledge of allegiance because you want to, and not because of a dictatorial imperative. Swearing allegiance to Feudalism is somewhat akin to making reservations for your place on a chain gang. Patriotism is only one of several themes that is used year-round to condition the nation's psyche into accepting pie in the sky concepts of collective well-being that a social system based on gross economic and social inequalities will never achieve.

For years at a stretch, voters can be treated like governmental doormats. Then for six months prior to an election, the doormats are rolled up, bound together, and elevated to form a flagpole from which is hung the largest flag available. Then like clockwork, in a show of post-election gratitude, the doormats are again taken to the cleaners.

The recurring themes just mentioned are no doubt very familiar to all readers. There are others. With regard to the tactics used every day, normally one does not have to search hard for evidence of media manipulations because the evidence is presented every single day on TV and in newspaper news coverage. The evidence could fill whole libraries

{B157} "Flag burning and flag waving" The Economist (July 1 1989): p19