Table of Contents

Chapter 1

The Hoax Of Equal Opportunity
And Equitable Prosperity

The Hidden Social Order 1-1 -

The Reality Underlying the Myth of Equality 1-16 -

How The Elite Exploit The Nation 1-29 -

Possible Corrective Action 1-67 -

Chapter 2

The Hoax Of Democracy

Trojan Democracy 2-1 -
The Power of Lawmakers 2-3 -

The Covert Takeover of America 2-17 -

Possible Corrective Actions 2-29 -

Chapter 3

Manipulation Of The Media

Teaming Up With the Media 3-1 -

The Role of the Media 3-13 -

Media Manipulation Techniques 3-17 -

Possible Corrective Actions 3-26 -

Chapter 4

The Hoax Of Equality
Before The Law

Putting the Legal Society in Perspective 4-1 -

The Role Of The Legal Community 4-4 -

Court Trials ... A Disgraceful Farce 4-8 -

The Watchdogs 4-14 -

Breeding Contempt for the Law 4-17 -
Possible Corrective Actions 4-18 -

Chapter 5

The Most Ruthless Hoax of All

The Elite's Violent Global Chess Game 5-1 -

The Perspective of World War II whose "Time Has Come" 5-6 -

Threats to Feudalism and Colonialism Prior to the War 5-6 -

Ruthless Chess Moves in the Middle East 5-9 -

A Mountain of Telltale Evidence 5-15 -

Chapter 6

The Elite's Current Strategies

Emerging Global Controls 6-1 -

Expanding the Feudal Domain 6-3 -

Economic Consolidation 6-7 -

Future Employment Trends 6-9 -

Class-oriented Health Care 6-11 -
Media Consolidation 6-13 -

Chapter 7

Considerations Regarding
"The Ultimate Social System"

Wisdom From The State Department 7-1 -
The Folly of Nationalism and Economic Greed 7-2 -
Capitalism, Communism, And Socialism 7-4 -
Rising Above Religious Differences 7-6 -

Chapter 8

How To Stop Being A Feudal Serf

Taking Responsibility for Change 8-1 -
Recognizing Your Power 8-1 -
Considering Some Goals 8-1 -
Acknowledging The Problem and Solution 8-2 -
Getting The Ball Rolling 8-3 -


Introduction and Overview
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